Today I finished the new version of DIGI-C!
This new version has build number The main new feature is the possibility to use bluetooth for exporting files.
Here is an overview of all the changes:
- Use bluetooth to export files.
- Changes in the way to export files: files are not immediate exported but are first collected. Possibility to chose between SD-card or bluetooth to export files.
- Better verification if a SD-card is inserted before exporting to SD-card.
- The list of users starts at the top.
- The virtual keyboard appears and disappears appropriate.
- When the password is wrong, the field is cleared.
- Cursor changes while busy.
- General changes in the display of the settings. New setting: notification on login if there are files to export.
- Change in the way of logging a new user who immediately buys a consumption card.
- A bug while increasing the year is repeared.
- General graphical adaptations.
The program can be downloaded at the DIGI-C page.
Good luck with this brand new version!