The RailDelay project is archived.
MagMeister's projects page
The RailDelay project is archived.
The DIGI-C project is archived.
In this new version I added a new feature to show the solving sequence.Indicating an invalid puzzle has been improved. It is now also possible to set the GUI using the "puzzle" parameter. For example:[["-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","0","-","0","-"],["-","-","-","0","0","-","1","-","0","-","-","-"],["-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["-","-","0","-","-","-","0","-","-","-","-","-"],["-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["0","0","-","-","-","0","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["-","0","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","0","-","-"],["-","-","1","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["-","-","-","0","-","1","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["-","-","-","-","-","1","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["1","1","-","-","-","-","0","-","-","1","-","-"],["-","-","0","0","-","1","-","1","-","-","-","0"]]
A first (dutch) version of RailDelay. Click here for RailDelay.
I ported the JAVA v3.1 to a PHP v4.0, available here. The latest JAVA v3.1 can still be downloaded here.
I ported the Binary Puzzle Solver to Android and named it "Binairo Solver". You can find it in the Google Play Store. Have fun!
In this new version I added a tab on the GUI where the output is printed. I also fixed a bug in the validation process of the guess and validate function and did some changes to simplify the code.
Solving the hard 9x9 puzzles at made me realise I had to bring out a major update of my solver. The program encountered a lot of troubles while solving these puzzles. Here an overview of the changes I made Continue reading Major BPS Update To Version 3.0
In this new version I solved a bug in the function "guess and validate". The validation of the found solution when a guess was made didn't work properly. The check for same rows and columns was not functioning. This bug Continue reading Updated BPS Version 2.3
I'm glad to notice that my "Binary Puzzle Solver" is used by several people. But I want a new challenge. Does anyone have suggestions to create a solver for some puzzle? A puzzle for which there's no solver yet of Continue reading New Challenge For A Puzzle Solver